Remaining connected all the time is more than a need today. When a person expect free WiFi at Cafe, Hotels and Malls why not in Taxi or Tourist Bus?

Many people have tried implementing a stable and consistent WiFi that works for customer in moving vehicles but failed. One such example is an app based taxi service provider in India who tried to offer free WiFi to their customers in association with biggest telecom company in India. After a great ceremonial starting the offer dies in just few months. Though we don’t know the exact reasons but it could be on the same lines of what other’s have experienced. Following are some general issues while trying to implementing WiFi option in a moving car/bus –
- Costly and Poor Hardware
- Inconsistent Network Connectivity
- Poor Hotspot Management
- Vehicle Power Fluctuations
We did our field trials months back and found that network connectivity was a major challenge in India to implement WiFi hotspot in a car/bus. Moreover home grade WiFi routers were not built to operate inside harsh conditions of a vehicle. But things at network connectivity have dramatically changed in past few months and now we are already running WiFi in moving bus and car’s for couple of our customers in Delhi and Bangalore area.
At BhaiFi, quality is given at most priority. To produce a quality product BhaiFi has come-up with it’s own hardware which is size of a small matchbox and very efficient into taking high load. Not just it takes the power surges inside the vehicle without a reboot it also give superior experience with a consistent connectivity with the telecom network. End result is seamless experience and a happy customer. After all we are BhaiFi – Not Just WiFi.
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